Thursday, March 20, 2008

I wrote this two years ago.

I used to ride the Acela or the shuttle to NYC at least three times a month to my old job. Not enough to make me a regular or anything like that, but enough for me to know what to look for to pass the time.

My non-descript look and totally non-threatening way made it simple for me to eavesdrop on the mighty and check out their habits.

GOOPERS were always ruder that Dem's. It was a given. If any group feels entitled, it's the moneyed GOP. You could tell they were brought up with class and wealth envy, because they were always so mean and rude to people who were "lucky" enough to be in the service industry.

Although I am embarrassed by my old habits and will not post them, I made sure that when some GOP BigWig was being an ass, he'd (mostly) pay.

My old blog, the last post:


My vow to you: I will sit as close as I can to whomever I recognize on my DC/NYC commute. I will listen in on all conversations. I will interrupt, when possible. I will report back.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Busy month. All the rest..

Ken Mehlman in New York? Last I heard there were no "real Americans" in New York. Maybe looking for more ways to milk 9/11.

It really got the GOOPERS goat that something so terrible didn't happen in the heartland. Then they could milk that cow to kingdom come. Oh, they're doing that anyway. (and mixing metaphors)

Impish Ken loves his ceasar salad, and doesn't like the little red peppers on top. Oh, how sad it would be for Impish Ken to have heartburn. He's a little man, almost boy like in his appearance. Short, oddly shaped and skinny. Must be all those ceasars.

Note to Ken: It isn't helping those internet rumors when you travel with a very young attractive male. What no Texas blondes good enough to ride with bottom feeder Ken?

When he departs the train I get off right in front of him, I pretend I am one of those walkers who leans and cuts people off by walking at a slight angle. He finally slows his pace, right before he would've ended up on the track. Tragic. I know how flat a penny can get when a train runs over it. How flat could a puffer GOOPER get?

Others in March:
Vernon Jordan. Looking kind of old. Was by far the most polite person to his driver at the Delta terminal in NYC. Although you could tell he'd rather be golfing with Bubba.

Same plane: Bob Sheiffer.
He and his producer were discussing David Carr's media column in the Times. It was about perky little Katie Couric taking his job. They laughed in a condescending, knowing way.

I told him that I never watched the news, but I heard he was doing a good job, by reading it on the blogs.

Bob Kerrey. Scary and skinny. I'm sorry, but Debra Winger? He had a nice middle seat on the Delta shuttle the other day. Was chitter-chatting with Dick Gephardt.

It was kind of sad when the lady in line next to me said to Gephardt "hello Senator." As if!

Gephardt's many blackberries were not in the off position during flight. It was hard to tell, by looking over his shoulder if he was reading old emails or receiving new ones.

The passenger next to me kept giving me the eyeball. If you don't want someone to read your email, then don't read it on the frickin' Delta shuttle. I felt like I needed a smoke after that flight. We all got to know each other real well.

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